Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Outlook 2010 macro to copy item links to the Windows clipboard

I have used OneNote for a few years to handle all my notes regarding different projects and all information I gather during work. It works very well, and I have during this time looked at how to use Outlook in a more advanced way. Of course, I want to tie the two products together.

In the basic form, it is possible to create OneNote note taking pages from an email or appointment in OneNote. This is nice, since I can simply bring up the context menu and choose "OneNote" in order to create a place for all my notes from this specific meeting (and also write down things to bring up before the meeting occurs so that I am prepared). I have however often run into the issue that a lot of scheduled meetings will be accompanied by separate emails containing information that is relevant. In some way I'd like to group these separate items together, preferably in the OneNote page that I have created for the meeting.

I looked at how OneNote creates a page for an email, which is in the same way as for an appointment. It will bring with it a few pieces of information and also create a link back to the email item in Outlook. This link is what I am interested in.

I looked into different ways of creating it. Most promising was a utility called Linker that can copy the internal ID of an Outlook item and put it in the clipboard. The flaw was that it prefixes the ID with "outlook:". This works natively for Outlook 2003. Outlook 2007 can handle it with a registry hack. Outlook 2010 will not handle it at all.

I at least got a bit closer to a solution.

I then found out that a proper prefix in Outlook 2010 is "onenote:outlook?folder=Contacts&entryid=". I looked into how to get the ID from the Outlook item via VBA code and it proved quite easy. I then hacked together a small Macro that would grab the ID from the currently selected item, create the correct HTML link with the prefix above, and then put it in the clipboard. This did of course not work.

The clipboard is an intricate piece of Windows that can handle a lot of different data. Putting raw text into it is simple, putting an HTML link into it a bit more difficult. I turned to Google and found a support article titled "How to add HTML code to the clipboard by using Visual Basic".

This helped me create the more intricate string used to identify HTML in Windows. Using this, I had it working.

After a while I noticed that special characters (å ä ö specifically since I'm in Sweden) did not work and got encoded in a wrong way. After trying different ways of encoding the string I finally resorted to try and put the entity name ä in the string and this worked! It is HTML I'm working with after all. A quick google gave me this nice piece of code to encode special characters in a string, and now I have it all working flawlessly.

My workflow now is as follows:
An appointment is made in Outlook, by me or someone else. I rightclick this and add a OneNote page with information regarding this meeting under a tab for the specific project. Those emails that are of interest for this meeting is then linked in the OneNote page using my Macro. I simply click the email in Outlook, hit my shortcut button to copy the link, and then paste it in OneNote. I have created the macro so that the link description is fetched from the subject in the email. Perfect!

I also noticed that the macro will create links to pretty much anything in Outlook. Emails, appointments, contacts and so on. This way I can link together all items in one OneNote page so I don't have to browse or search in Outlook for whatever I need.

Here is the complete code for the macro if you are interested:
Private Declare Function CloseClipboard Lib "user32" () As Long
Private Declare Function OpenClipboard Lib "user32" (ByVal hWnd As Long) _
   As Long
Private Declare Function GlobalAlloc Lib "kernel32" ( _
   ByVal wFlags As Long, ByVal dwBytes As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function SetClipboardData Lib "user32" ( _
   ByVal wFormat As Long, ByVal hMem As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function EmptyClipboard Lib "user32" () As Long
Private Declare Function RegisterClipboardFormat Lib "user32" Alias _
   "RegisterClipboardFormatA" (ByVal lpString As String) As Long
Private Declare Function GlobalLock Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hMem As Long) _
   As Long
Private Declare Function GlobalUnlock Lib "kernel32" ( _
   ByVal hMem As Long) As Long
Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" ( _
   pDest As Any, pSource As Any, ByVal cbLength As Long)
Private Declare Function GetClipboardData Lib "user32" ( _
   ByVal wFormat As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function lstrlen Lib "kernel32" Alias "lstrlenA" ( _
   ByVal lpData As Long) As Long
Private Const m_sDescription = _
                  "Version:1.0" & vbCrLf & _
                  "StartHTML:aaaaaaaaaa" & vbCrLf & _
                  "EndHTML:bbbbbbbbbb" & vbCrLf & _
                  "StartFragment:cccccccccc" & vbCrLf & _
                  "EndFragment:dddddddddd" & vbCrLf
Private m_cfHTMLClipFormat As Long

Function RegisterCF() As Long
   'Register the HTML clipboard format
   If (m_cfHTMLClipFormat = 0) Then
      m_cfHTMLClipFormat = RegisterClipboardFormat("HTML Format")
   End If
   RegisterCF = m_cfHTMLClipFormat
End Function

Public Sub PutHTMLClipboard(sHtmlFragment As String, _
   Optional sContextStart As String = "", _
   Optional sContextEnd As String = "")
   Dim sData As String
   If RegisterCF = 0 Then Exit Sub
   'Add the starting and ending tags for the HTML fragment
   sContextStart = sContextStart & ""
   sContextEnd = "" & sContextEnd
   'Build the HTML given the description, the fragment and the context.
   'And, replace the offset place holders in the description with values
   'for the offsets of StartHMTL, EndHTML, StartFragment and EndFragment.
   sData = m_sDescription & sContextStart & sHtmlFragment & sContextEnd
   sData = Replace(sData, "aaaaaaaaaa", _
                   Format(Len(m_sDescription), "0000000000"))
   sData = Replace(sData, "bbbbbbbbbb", Format(Len(sData), "0000000000"))
   sData = Replace(sData, "cccccccccc", Format(Len(m_sDescription & _
                   sContextStart), "0000000000"))
   sData = Replace(sData, "dddddddddd", Format(Len(m_sDescription & _
                   sContextStart & sHtmlFragment), "0000000000"))
   'Add the HTML code to the clipboard
   If CBool(OpenClipboard(0)) Then
      Dim hMemHandle As Long, lpData As Long
      hMemHandle = GlobalAlloc(0, Len(sData) + 10)
      If CBool(hMemHandle) Then
         lpData = GlobalLock(hMemHandle)
         If lpData <> 0 Then
            CopyMemory ByVal lpData, ByVal sData, Len(sData)
            GlobalUnlock hMemHandle
            SetClipboardData m_cfHTMLClipFormat, hMemHandle
         End If
      End If
      Call CloseClipboard
   End If
End Sub

' Add the current selected item as Clipboard link
Sub AddOutlookItemAsClipboardLink()
    Dim linkString As String
    linkString = "{1}"
    linkString = Replace(linkString, "{0}", ActiveExplorer.Selection.Item(1).EntryID)
    linkString = Replace(linkString, "{1}", EncodeString(ActiveExplorer.Selection.Item(1).Subject()))
    PutHTMLClipboard (linkString)
End Sub

' Encodes special characters to their entity equivalent
Function EncodeString(ByVal strOriginal) As String
    Dim currChar, i, sOut, CharList
    CharList = "óáéíúÁÉÍÓÚ¡¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª«¬®¯°±²³´µ¶·¸¹º»¼½¾¿×÷ÀÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÊËÌÎÏÐÑÒÔÕÖØÙÛÜÝÞßàâãäåæçèêëìîïðñòôõöøùûüýþÿ"
    sOut = strOriginal
    For i = 1 To Len(CharList)
        currChar = Mid(CharList, i, 1)
        sOut = Replace(sOut, currChar, "&#x" & Hex(AscW(currChar)) & ";")
    EncodeString = sOut
End Function


  1. Marcus,
    I'm running 2007. Do you have any information on the registry hack?

  2. Yes, I thought I added the link, but I must have forgot. Here is a post regarding the registry fix: http://www.davidtan.org/outlook-2007-adding-outlook-url-protocol/

  3. Hi,
    does anyone know if this marco works without change on a 64bit system? I tried to use it, but is doesn't seem to be working.
    I use Outlook 2010 on a 64bit Win7.

  4. The macro in the post is used on the exact same setup. Win7 64bit and Outlook 2010. Do you get any error messages or anything else that is of help trying to figure out what is wrong?

    1. No, no error message. There is simply nothing copied to the clipboard.
      To be honest, I dont't know much about VBA. I just took the listing on the page and copied it into an empty VBA Project Window.
      Now, when I click on Macros in the Outlook Developer Tab, I see a Macro called Project1.AddOutlookItemAsClipboardLink.
      But if I select an email and then click on that macro, nothing gets copied to the clipboard.

    2. Ok, hmm.
      The way I have it is a VbaProject where the entire code is in a Module. I then have added a button that will call the method AddOutlookItemAsClipboardLink. I assume it will look the same on your end?

      Also, I assume you try to paste the link in a program that can handle HTML links? If you try to paste the link in say notepad, nothing will emerge. The menu will even have the paste greyed out. It will work in OneNote and Word though.

    3. I have the same issue and I think your code is not safe for the 64-bit version of Outlook. The Declare statements do not include the PtrSafe attribute which is needed for it to compile in Outlook 64-bit. I got that far, but don't have the call parameters to know which Longs also need to be changed to LongPtrs. Also, I suspect (but am not sure) that the references to "user32" would need to change (to "user64"?). It would be great if you could update this as I would love to use it.

    4. That sounds about right Greig. I'm running 32-bit Office on a 64-bit Win7, mostly due to all the compatibility issues in 64-bit Office.

      I'm lacking the environment to test it with 64-bit Office unfortunately so I'm out of luck with helping you out there. Sorry!

  5. Hi! At my office we try to use OneNote as an email archive, when the Outlook inbox runs full. There is a neat button in Outlook called OneNote, which takes a copy of the selected email(s) and pastes them with any attachments, into OneNote. However, the page tabs on the right side of onenote is a mess, it only shows the subject, not the date/time of the email (and sender of the email, if wanted). Is there any clever way to integrate that little piece of information into the page tabs ?
    That would truly unclutter OneNote a lot! =)

    1. Hi Tom-Inge.
      It should be possible. You should be able to create a VSTO add-in which allows you to modify the ribbon in Outlook. Using this, you can capture the event when you click on the OneNote button to modify what happens. In the event you should be able to reach the properties of the email to extract the datetime (and other props) and use that as the name of the page in OneNote.

      So yes, I'd say that it should be possible (without having tried it), but it will require some work.

  6. In AddOutlookItemAsClipboardLink ActiveExplorer.Selection.Item(1).EntryID is discarded because there is no '{0}' in the text. Is that an error?

    1. Hm, what does your linkstring look like?

    2. Same Question as Hemal:
      linkString = "{1}" 'Sets variable as {1}
      linkString = Replace(linkString, "{0}", ActiveExplorer.Selection.Item(1).EntryID) 'Because variable does not contain {1} this line gets skipped; variable remains as {1}
      linkString = Replace(linkString, "{1}", EncodeString(ActiveExplorer.Selection.Item(1).Subject()))
      Debug.Print linkString
      Immediate Window: SUBJECT OF MAIL

      So what is getting passed to the PutHTMLClipboard function is the subject of the mail.

    3. Hemal/Marcus,

      I had a go at getting something to work; this code will copy the ID of an Outlook 2010 item to the clipboard. This code also requires adding Microsoft Forms 2.0 Object Library to the references in VB. The file name (on my machine)to add is C:\Windows\system32\FM20.DLL

      My workaround is:
      a) Run this macro from the quick access toolbar in Outlook;
      b) In Onenote highlight the text against which I wish to create a mail link and press ALT-6 to open the link box.
      c) CTRL-V to paste the ID into the Address box.

      It would be good to get Linker to work, or else find a way of including the Subject in the Clipboard also, but that will have to wait.

      ' Add the current selected item as Clipboard link
      Sub OutlookClipboardLink()
      Dim linkString As String
      Dim currFolder As String
      Dim DataObj As New MSForms.DataObject

      linkString = "onenote:outlook"
      currFolder = ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder

      Select Case currFolder
      Case "Calendar", "Contacts", "Notes", "Tasks"
      linkString = linkString & "?folder=" & currFolder
      Case Else
      linkString = linkString & "?folder=" & "Mail"
      End Select

      linkString = linkString & "&entryid=" & ActiveExplorer.Selection.Item(1).EntryID

      DataObj.SetText linkString

      End Sub
